Tuesday, April 17, 2012

*First Entry*

I had to laugh when I noticed I already had a profile set up on blogger, my purpose was to start a blog to help me kick my starbucks habit.  Needless to say, I never did start that blog and I am still a faithful starbucks customer.  Although, I am still constantly saying I want to give up the habit, especially since I seem to favor the terribly sugar laden high calorie beverages there.  The last couple years my metabolism has really slowed down, oh the joys of my upcoming thirtieth birthday and no longer being able to eat whatever I want without any consquence.  It truly is time to make some lifestyle changes and get back in the shape I was just a few years ago..and moreso, quit saying I am going to make that happen and actually do it!

Here is a picture of me and two of my really good friends in Vegas this past weekend...which was my first girls weekend in over eight years! It is nice that my kids are now old enough where I feel comfortable leaving them for a few  days every now and then and can get out and enjoy myself.  I love being a mom more than anything, but it truely nice to finally be able to devote time to  my identity outside of  just being a  mother.  Well, I suppose thats it for now...until next time  :)

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