Sunday, May 6, 2012

Entry 4

Sometimes I long for the days when we weren't always "connected".   I wonder if all the technology is truely a gift or sometimes if its not a curse.  I guess with the good comes the bad, but even myself I am always logged in, accessible, etc and sometimes I wish I could go back to the days where someone couldn't reach you at any second of the day.  I gave into text messaging about two and a half years ago, before I thought it was silly and never would but I had friends that this was the only way they would communicate with you.  My biggest concern is that face to face conversation is being replaced more and more by talking through text, email, social networking and I think its a deteriment more than a convienience.  I am a believer in everything in moderation and I think the same should be true of technology, but even as I say that I can't say I follow my own advice about it.

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