Monday, May 21, 2012

Entry 6

I am so excited to find out next week if we are going to Rome!  This will be my first time out of the country, besides Canada and Mexico and I will be over the moon happy.  Travis is in the running with his company to win a sales award and the prize up for grabs is an all expenses paid 6 day, 5 night trip to Rome end of July.  The biggest downfall is I am absolutely afraid to fly!! It all began around 2003 and it happened during a flight to Michigan for my grandmothers funeral, so maybe there is some connection, but ever since then I am a bundles of nerves months before...during take off...and again at landing.   Another big thing about the Rome flight, besides how long it is, this will be my first time on a plane without the kids and for me that is very unnerving as well.  I am beyond looking forward to the trip and don't plan to let my anxieties get in my way, but if I knew a way to get over this fear I would so be on board for it!  

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