Monday, May 21, 2012

Entry 5

This post is coming a day late, thanks to good ole' AT&T UVERSE...we have had more trouble with our cable and internet that I always question why we haven't switched providers.  I know part of it is an NFL RedZone channel my husband is only able to get through them, but having uninterrupted, fully-working service for more than a few months is a gift.

Well, besides my AT&T rant, this have been really great.  I had a wonderful weekend, especially celebrating my youngest daughter's 5th birthday.  We had her first birthday party with her friends at her gymnastics studio.  The kids had so much fun and it was great to chat with their parents.  I am often surprised at how much I love Santa Clarita and how it is very much centered around kids and families.  Prior to living here, my daughters were born in Connecticut and then we lived in NYC for a year and for me Santa Clarita has just been the perfect fit.  It is clean, safe, and full of wonderful places and people.  I truly couldn't be happier.  That being said, if Travis, my husband, gets the promotion he is looking to get we could be packing our bags and moving to Chicago for a few years, eek!  I am a go with the flow type of woman and can live anywhere, but I am still slightly apprehensive only because I am so happy that we have made Valencia our home the last three years! 

On a different note, had an MRI today to figure out what has been causing this nagging upper back/chest pain I have had off and on..but mostly on for the last year.  The tech who administered the test said to me when he was done, "Your doctor may want to order an MRI of your neck because I think I see something up there".  This was all he said and I walked out of the building a ball of anxiety wondering what the heck he saw, so I decided to go back in and just ask, to my relief it was just the possibilty of a protruding disc in my neck.  Not that this would be a good thing, but for one it is much better than my worst fears and it is also something that would at least give me an answer to this chronic pain I have been having.  If nothing else my anxiety was just put to rest and that made me happy!

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