Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Entry 7

If I could give up one vice of mine it would be procrastination.  I try and be coy and say "I work best under pressure", but that is only an excuse. I am fully aware that if I just got the things done early that I don't necessarily want to do it would lift a huge weight off my chest, but even though I am aware of that I still procrastinate.  Whether it be with this set of work out videos I need to start doing or a paper I have due very soon.  I would love to understand how its so easy to" put off for tomorrow what I should be doing today"?!   This past weekend was a prime example, this was the first weekend in a long time we had absolutely nothing on the agenda and it would have been a great time to catch up on a few things I have been putting off, did I do that though..no! Why is it so easy to realize the problem and so hard to solve it? 

On an entirely different note, my husband and I had a date night this past Sunday.  We went to this little brick nightclub called Dragonfly in Hollywood and saw our favorite 80's cover band the Spazmatics.  We saw them years ago and they are hilarious.  Apparently they were such a hit that the band has now been franchised so it may not have even been the same guys we saw years back, but they were still so fun to watch.  They dress up like the actors in the 80's cult classic Revenge of the Nerds and sing all of the recognizable 80's hits.  They are very over the top and silly and it was just a fun night with friends.

Well, off to pick up my little ones from school now and then its really time to get some work done on my research paper! Can't but it off any longer :)

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